Everything's swirling
It's what I am.
How sad am I? #2

I created a Flickr group to collect all the pictures of Britta singing You Turned My Head Around just because I wanted to look at a slideshow of them.
How sad am I? The answer is "very".
All the pictures are in the group pool - Photo credits: 1. Dean and Britta at the El Rey on 2-19-08, 2. Dean & Britta @ Luna Lounge, 3. dean & britta in pittsburgh, 4. 9Jan07_britta5, 5. Dean & Britta, 6. Britta Phillips, 7. dean_britta_14784f.jpg, 8. Dean & Britta, 9. Dean & Britta, 10. Britta & the Drummer, 11. 20070312-deanAndBritta, 12. Dean and Britta Austin 080223, 13. "Hey baby...... ", 14. Britta, 15. Britta
Everything's swirling / last build: 2024-04-03 11:39