Everything's swirling

It's what I am.

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30 Days of Buffy: Day 9 - Favourite Romance

I'm utterly outraged that Hazel picked two... I thought it'd be perfect - she'd pick Tara/Willow obviously and leave me to ponder over Willow and Oz... but oh no - she had to go and pick both - and obv being a bit more of a Buffy afficianado than me she managed to pick all the sweet moments from both of them. Oz was great, and reading Hazel's appraisal of the romance only reaffirms my decision to choose him as my favourite male character.

So anyway favourite romance is Willow and Oz - for all the reasons that Hazel mentions and because of this...

Everything's swirling / last build: 2024-04-03 11:39