Everything's swirling
It's what I am.
BtVS: Witch / chewing and cheerleading
Chewing pens is horrid (or more accurately chewed pens are horrid)... Willow is lovely - I'm guessing that she's only chewing her pen here to allow her writers to clumsily make their point - I suspect that it will turn out subsequently that she's not a serial pen chewer... at least I hope so...
This is madness! What can you have been thinking? You are the Slayer! Lives depend upon you! I make allowances for your youth, but I expect a certain amount of responsibility, and instead of which you enslave yourself to this, this... Cult?... I'm totally with Giles on cheerleading... it's weird!
Everything's swirling / last build: 2024-04-03 11:39