Everything's swirling
It's what I am.
BtVS: Reptile Boy / Those frat guys creep me
Reptile boy is all about the utter mystery that is the "fraternity" and the "frat boy" - over the years my complete understanding and knowledge of the "frat boy" is as follows
- They are spoilt rich kids...
- ... who nobody likes...
- ... who tended to get blamed for being annoyingly drunk and loud at Luna concerts
And of course there is this...
I haven't seen Animal House for 30 years... and really don't want to - I used to like it but am fairly certain that I'd really, really hate it.
Not much to say about Reptile Boy though... although Giles playing at being the slayer when no one was watching made me smile...

Everything's swirling / last build: 2024-04-03 11:39