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But... it WAS cheap: Love Spreads by The Stone Roses

But... it WAS cheap: Love Spreads by The Stone Roses

I, like many of my age, was rather fond of that first Stone Roses album... and the Fools Gold single... but, like many of my age, that's pretty much where it stops. I never even knew I owned this until about 20 minutes ago, and had certainly never played it... until now.

Love Spreads is OK, I didn't realise until I played it that I had heard it - I guess it got more radio play and more love than I anticipated. It was better than I imagined it was going to be and not a million miles from the Roses stuff that I was rather fond of, it gets a bit tired long before the 5:49 is up ... but on the whole not too bad.

The flip sides were a mix of forgettable and dire and probably won't get played again.

It cost me 20p for one OK song so... better value than iTunes

Everything's swirling / last build: 2024-04-03 11:39