Everything's swirling
It's what I am.
BtVS: Consequences / No, this is no good at all
... well actually it's not too bad...
... we start with a dream which is Rules of Buffy #3 - If something doesn’t seem quite right… it’s a dream
... we also have Wesley and the Watchers Council heavies not killing Angel when they had a chance which sort of obeys Rules of Buffy #2 - If you get an opportunity to despatch a particularly nasty demon… don’t, it’ll probably work out fine
we then rattle through a half-decent episode where lots of story happens, which is a relief because the story has been in need of picking up.
Despite that... I can think of nothing to say, so here's Willow... in her dungarees...

... and here's sad Willow in the lav...

... and here's Nina in a different lav...
Everything's swirling / last build: 2024-04-03 11:39