Everything's swirling
It's what I am.
50 films: 2002 - Adaptation
Yep, for 2002 I chose the (recent-ish) Nicholas Cage film it's OK to love, and I do rather love it. Cage is genuinely great, I guess he's the sort of actor who needs the right role, rather than being able to make a role right. The rest of the cast is pretty good too, but the film isn't really about them is it? And it isn't about Nicholas Cage either.
All I do is sit on my fat ass, if my ass wasn't so fat I'd be happier... I could speak Chinese I'd be the screenwriter who speaks Chinese... and plays the oboe
Oh, and I just realised I can do this...
Adaptation -> Nicholas Cage -> Wild at Heart -> Bobby Peru...
Everything's swirling / last build: 2024-04-03 11:39