Everything's swirling
It's what I am.
Conchita Supervía and a walk around Willesden's cemeteries

Hazel and I, on a whim, took a bus to Willesden. The intention was to look around the Jewish Cemetery there, but for some reason we couldn't get in without buzzing and having a legitimate purpose. And not being the sort of people who would be able to talk our way into things (my mum would have got us in there!) we had to make do with the two other cemeteries adjacent to it. The Willesden New Cemetery (which despite its name was not that new - 1891), and the Liberal Jewish Cemetery.
The Willesden New Cemetery was most notable for the amount of bodies that they were cramming in - one road through the cemetery had been rather unsubtly dug up and replaced along its entire length with graves, three abreast. And in one corner the cemetery had clearly acquired some additional land and had a strange rectangular plot poking out of the side.
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The Liberal Jewish Cemetery was a rather nice little cemetery, Hazel saw the grave of media impressario Lew Grade, and found the unusual grave of mezzo-soprano Conchita Supervía that had been designed by Edwin Lutyens.
Conchita Supervía - Habanera
Here are a few pictures:
The grave of Conchita Supervía designed by Edwin Lutyens
Everything's swirling / last build: 2024-04-03 11:39