Everything's swirling
It's what I am.
Stereolab half-love
I adore Stereolab… up to a point. And that point is probably the day before they released Dots and Loops. It’s my fault we drifted apart, they developed their lounge and I just wanted more motorik.
I saw the band loads of times up until 1997, and just once after in 2004 - the post I wrote back then could probably be applied to last night’s show (except without the trombone) - but I’ll write a new one anyway.
The problem last night was this was Stereolab coming back - and in my head they were coming back from 1997 but in reality they were coming back from 2009.
I think this video from last week’s Primavera show deceived me slightly with it’s complete pre-1996-ness.
Last night had flashes of ‘lab brilliance and they were Crest (1993), Metronomic Underground (1996), French Disko (1993) and a blinding set-closer Lo Boob Oscillator (1993). But most of the rest of the set was from the albums I was cooler on and had therefore listened to less.
Here’s Crest from last night (apologies for the shakiness of sound and vision):
…and the end of Lo Boob Oscillator (apologies for shooting this in portrait mode - I hadn’t intended videoing it at all but … hypnotized and before I realised it was too late to change!):
I think I’d go see a Stereolab 1993 tribute band in a shot!
I still love them but I only truly half-loved the show.
Everything's swirling / last build: 2024-04-03 11:39