Everything's swirling
It's what I am.
Return to live music in the age of COVID #2

Last night Hazel and I took our next tentative steps back into live music with a lovely (and free) gig in a pub in Sunderland. The first gig had been mostly acoustic gentle folk so it was nice (for me anyway) to see a band with drums and electric guitars – and a little bit of wigging out.

Support was, however, mostly acoustic gentle folk - although it was provided by the always excellent, and regularly ramshackle, and unashamedly profane Kathryn Williams who played a too short but otherwise wonderful set - no lows but the highs were Heart Shaped Stone and her cover of These Days - complete with short, Nico impression thrown in. She felt the need to prepare the audience for that so that it made sense (although, it’d have made snese to me anyway).

Main act were Lanterns on The Lake who I’d last seen ten years previously at Truck Festival when they played before Dean Wareham. I bought a couple of albums on the back of that but have sort of lost touch since - not for any reasons except that sort of happens. Last night’s show was a treat, low key, charming, with a nice, rich variety and some lovely noise and the sort of rock that I’ve missed.

Next up it’s Steeleye Span at The Whitley Bay Playhouse on Sunday.
Everything's swirling / last build: 2024-04-03 11:39