Everything's swirling
It's what I am.
Hitch #31 - Shadow of a Doubt (1943)

If anyone were to ask me what my favourite Hitchcock film was I’d probably pick randomly from The 39 Steps, Young and Innocent and The Lady Vanishes - when I wrote of the last of these three (back in 2018!!) I speculated that the only other film that might muscle its way into the list would be Shadow of a Doubt.
We finally arrived there a few months back and while it’s certainly in with a shout I’m pretty sure that (apparently) Hitch’s favourite film is not mine - although there is so much to love about it…
Weirdly, one of the things that has always stuck in my head since the very first time I watched Shadow of a Doubt is that you don’t start a cake by breaking an egg.

So …
- not my favourite Hitch film
- probably my favourite US Hitch film (although there’re plenty more of those to come)
- useful baking tips
Source: DVD
Rating: 9/10
Hitchcock Zone: Shadow of a Doubt (1943)
I’ve just noticed that we are over eight years into our Hitch rewatch - and we’ve only just reached Lifeboat (which I posted when we watched it out of sequence in Feb 2021!) - we need to up our game! Hazel’s posts are on Let’s Fold Scarves and tend to be more detailed/analytical than my idle half-arsed rambling
Everything's swirling / last build: 2024-04-03 11:39