Everything's swirling
It's what I am.
Edward McKnight Kauffer's film titles
The Film Perfect Understanding from 1933 turned up on Talking Pictures TV a few weeks back and when I started to watch it I was rather taken by the lovely titles and wasn’t surprised to see that they had been designed by the rather great graphic designer Edward McKnight Kauffer:

On Friday the latest Sight and Sound magazine arrived and it republished an article by Ivor Montagu in which he mentioned being brought in to make Alfred Hitchcock’s 1926 thriler The Lodger, a little less highbrow and one of his suggestions was to call in Kauffer:
Ted McKnight Kauffer, the American poster artist who revolutionised British poster design was another Film Society stalwart. We persuaded him to draw us sinister title backgrounds.
The whole article is on the fab Hitchcock Wiki.

E. McKnight Kauffer. Kauffer was an American but had spent a great deal of time in the UK and lived with his partner (designer Marion Dorne) in a flat in Chelsea.

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