Everything's swirling
It's what I am.
Advent Calendar - 19 - Kate Bush - December Will Be Magic Aggain

I notice that the world’s recent (re-)discovery of Kate sadly hasn’t extended to her seasonal masterpiece - a single that didn’t get the attention it deserved on first release either, barely scraping into the top 30 before fading into an obscurity that it still enjoys.
Because Hazel and I both had Kate love before we were a couple (she was one of the main topics of conversation on our first sober date) we had lots of duplicates - and still do - although the two copies we have of this single are both Hazel’s. Mine didn’t have a picture sleeve and has gone awol in our recent move - I suspect it made it to the Oxfam record store in Ealing where so many of my records were deposited to make the move easier. Yes, I do have regrets.
December is a beauty and deserved better, although Hazel mentioned that it has got onto the seasonal radio merry-go-round*, so is probably more familiar now than it was back in ‘81.
* This merry-go-round reached its bizarre pinnacle for me hearing Low’s Just Like Christmas while wandering around Wilko in West Ealing!
- Kate Bush - December Will Be Magic Again #29 1980
if you don’t do anything else - watch that video - Kate TV appearances are always a bonkers joy
Everything's swirling / last build: 2024-04-03 11:39