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Hitch #34 - The Paradine Case (1947)

Judy (Joan Tetzel) tries to inject some life into the film
Judy (Joan Tetzel) tries to inject some life into the film

There are many problems with The Paradine Case, but the biggest one is Gregory Peck. The man is such a wooden and charmless actor that asking him to act a troubled/tormented barrister was always going to be too much for him. Add this to a story that doesn’t have any flow, and often makes little sense and you have one of Hitch’s few absolute stinkers.

Valli is lovely to look at but isn’t able to give her character anything more than her loveliness, Ann Todd is given a role that should be sympathetic but is just annoying. Ethel Barrymore is given no time, and Charles Coburn is just what he always is.

The only saving graces are Joan Tetzel whose bright and knowledgeable Judy has charm, and Charles Laughton, although even he seems a little wasted.

There are a couple of nice shots too - most notably when Andre enters the courtroom and the camera follows him while keeping Maddalena in the centre of the frame, and some nice shadows in the Keane’s very grand house, and when Tony has a nose round the Paradine mansion.

Maddelena (Valli) doesn't watch as Andre enters the courtroom
Maddelena (Valli) doesn't watch as Andre enters the courtroom

Everything's swirling / last build: 2024-08-09 13:52