Everything's swirling
It's what I am.
Day 9: The Carter Family / Hank Williams
Day 9 / Song #1
The Carter Family - Wildwood Flower (1928)
I’m not sure when I first heard Wildwood Flower, or who was singing it, but I know that when it turned up on the 10,000 Maniacs Eat For Two single in 1989 I was already familar with it. There was a lot of country music in the house when I was growing up so I guess it seeped in then. But this 1928 Carter Family recording is so perfect I’m not sure I’d want to listen to any other version now.
Day 9 / Song #2
Hank Williams with his Drifting Cowboys - Your Cheatin’ Heart (1952)
I guess this is another that just seeped into my life because of my mum’s love of country music. I was quite surprised while researching this at just how late all those classic country songs appeared - most missing out on this pre-1954 challenge. Thankfully this one snuck in…
Everything's swirling / last build: 2025-01-10 08:54